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Mestre Ananias

Mestre Ananias (Adilene Cavalheiro) is the synthesis of the African heritage of the Brazilian people. He lives Capoeira, Samba and Candomblé without dissociating them from one another, explaining in his behavior questions about the ancestry of the brazilian people.

Born in 1924 in São Félix, the Reconcavo Baiano region. He absorbs the context in which it is immersed and frequent Mestre Waldemar’s roda.

In the middle of the twentieth century he moves to São Paulo at the invitation of the São Paulo theater producers. He worked with Plinio Marcos, Solano Trindade and other theater personalities.

In 1953, the year of his arrival, Master Ananias founds the most traditional capoeira roda of São Paulo, the Roda da Praça da República and his group: Associação Capoeira Angola Senhor do Bonfim.

At the end of the 90’s he records his first CD with Mestre Pedro.

He passed away in 2016.

Mestre Ananias