
No more ads – 14/02/24

Good news! Ads have been removed from Capoeira.Online :) The aim was never to have ads on the this website but to share with the greatest number the art of Capoeira and gather the maximum of information present on the internet about the art.While we have not been able to update the website as much as we originally planned, we will continue to attempt to achieve our original goal.Hope you enjoy the website!Axé Capoeira! ...

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Beyond being a martial art, Capoeira is the memory of an inglorious past in humanity during which many nations were built at the detriment of entire populations. The Capoeirista has a duty to remember and to pass on knowledge; the atrocities committed against the slaves have led to the possibility of appreciating a game in a roda today. It is necessary for the Capoeirista to study and understand the history of the slaves and of Capoeira to comprehend his/her art and also for the sake of remembrance. Capoeira is an art which is constantly developing, but we must not forget its origins, and above all, we must not forget the message that its history provides us. Slavery in Brazil History of Capoeira Mestres & Legends ...

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