Good news! Ads have been removed from Capoeira.Online :)
The aim was never to have ads on the this website but to share with the greatest number the art of Capoeira and gather the maximum of...
Our team is constantly integrating more knowledge to the platform.
This week, we have added videos in the following sections:
8 new videos added in 'Preparation'
6 new videos added in 'Steps &...
Our team is constantly integrating more knowledge to the platform.
This week we have added videos in the following sections:
9 new videos added in 'Preparation'
8 new videos added in 'Steps &...
Our team is constantly integrating more knowledge to the platform.
This time we have added videos in the following sections:
10 new videos added in 'Preparation'
16 new videos added in...
Our team is constantly integrating more knowledge to the platform.
This week we have added videos in the following sections:
4 new videos added in 'Sequences Solo'
2 new videos added in...
Our team is constantly integrating more knowledge to the platform.
This week we have added videos in the following sections:
9 new videos added in 'Preparation'
8 new videos added in 'Steps &...
It is the duty of every capoeirista to impart the values of Capoeira and the memory that accompanies it. Without the adaptive mind of the slaves, our art would not exist. Born from their...